Enríquez, Stacpoole y Asociados, SC is a Consulting Firm that focuses on providing services in different areas in both Public and Private Initiatives and Internationally, specializing mainly in:
Legal Services
- Corporate and Societal.
- Real estate.
- Labor.
- Migratory.
- Patents and trademarks.
Foreign investment
- Establishment of foreign companies in Mexico to provide a service.
- We generate trust mechanisms for investors.
- Advice to foreign clients who wish to do business in Mexico.
- Registration in promotion programs (IMMEX / PROSEC).
- Registration in the Register of Importers.
- Location and identification of properties, management in acquisition and leasing negotiations.
- Procedures that are carried out before the Ministry of Economy and corresponding authorities.
- We have experience and knowledge of the current political environment.
- We advise our clients in negotiations before the corresponding authority.
- Public Procurement.
- We offer specialized advisory services at different levels of government.